Fall..... Autumn..... I think it has finally arrived!!

The temperatures are finally getting cool, the leaves are falling at an annoying rate on my porches ;), and campfires have been made.  I enjoy this time of year.  My family seems to get a little spark of energy and togetherness starting in October.  It's the oddest thing but I love it so much!

Today I am 23 weeks and 4 days along in my pregnancy. I'm having tons of sinus headaches again and just feeling drained and tired.  :(  I want to do so much but the umph to get up and do it just isn't there.  I wasn't expecting this kind of tiredness until another 2 months from now. 

Our little Levi is growing with leaps and bounds and I can say that because I feel every right hook and jab these days.  :)  After weeks of me wondering if he would ever start moving constantly, I can rest assured he has begun.  There was even one day I swore I was bruised from the kicks and jabs.  However, in a wierd way I enjoyed every uncomfortable knot he turned into.  Oh, and if you didn't catch it we have decided to name our little man Levi Cooper.  After weeks and weeks of trying to decide my husband and I FINALLY agreed on a name we like.  :)  WHooooo Hooooooo.  Yippppeeee.  :)) 

Another wonderful thing is my little girl, Emalie, has finally come around to having another little brother.  If you read my previous post she was a little more than disappointed about not getting to have a sister.  Now, she is like a little mamma and taking care of everyone and loving on my belly (and me.... I think).  She is talking about things we need to get for him and wants to know why we don't have it all set up yet.  I think she wants him to move into her room because she keeps asking where he will be sleeping and where all his things will go.  This is a good thing my blog friends.  A wonderful thing indeed and I praise God for her change of heart.  He is mighty! 

Well, that's about all the update I have for now.  I'm headed out the door to pick up the kiddos from school.  I'm still not believing I have a 3rd grader and a kindergartener.  Oh and Lucas will be 3 in 2 months!  The time if passing by so quickly.  So,........ on to planning this 3rd birthday fun with tractors, a baby shower in a week and holiday planning is in full swing.  God bless and everyone enjoy the many blessings, BIG AND SMALL, that God has given you.  Sometimes we get so busy with 'things' that we forget to slow down and just be thankful and praise Him!  :) 



rainbow said…
Didn't Momma Lyn tell you, Emalie is going to be so excited to be Mom to three brother and when not Mom be their Little Princess. Great time ahead for your wonderful family. Sit back and enjoy the ride.

rainbow (Momma Lyn)

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