Survival Kits......
I am so thankful for all of the mom's, dad's, pastors, pastor's wives, teachers, and friends that are making a positive difference in my life and those of many others! Because school is starting or has already started I got to thinking of ways to say, 'Thank You.' So, here are some 'survival kits' that can be given as gifts. God bless and enjoy the week!!!
Teacher's Survival Kit
Band-Aid: For when things get a little rough.
Bath Salts: "To take you away." You deserve a quiet break.
Crayon - to color your day bright and cheerful.
Candle - for when you are up late grading papers.
Ear Plugs - when you just can't take anymore.
Eraser - to remind you everyone makes mistakes and they can be erased.
Hugs and Kisses - for when you need a hug.
Jewel - because you are so precious.
Lifesaver: For when you've had one of those days.
Marbles - to replace the ones you've lost.
Mint - to remind you that you are worth a "mint".
Mounds Bar - for the mounds of confidence you give your students.
Paperclip - to hold it all together.
Peanuts: To get a little nutty.
Puzzle Piece - without you the class wouldn't be complete.
Rubber band - to remind you to be flexible.
Shiny Penny - to remind you, each will shine in their own special way.
Sponge: To soak up the overflow, when your brain is too full.
Starburst - to give you a "burst" of energy when you need it.
Tissues - to wipe away the tears...yours and theirs.
a prayer for you to say at the start of each day
Teacher's Prayer
Spirits, Please help me,
To strengthen their voices, bodies and minds,
To express their feelings and control them sometimes,
To explore what's near and venture afar,
But most important to love who they are.
Thank You Kit for Mom Survival Kit
Created by Pam
Hugs & kisses - to thank you for loving me unconditionally, here’s hugs and kisses for you always
Mounds Bar - To thank you for always giving “mounds” of courage, patience, support, understanding, laughter and love
Almond Joy bar - for all the joy you have given me
Pack of seeds - to thank you for helping me grow into what I am today
A clock - thank you for always finding time for me
Smarties - to thank you for all your advice
Confetti - to celebrate you because you are the “Worlds Greatest Mom”
Battery - to thank you for all the times you never gave up, you kept going and going
Crayons - to thank you for your sunny outlook, for brightening my days and ALWAYS warming my heart
Candle - thank you for being my “guiding light”
Flower - a reminder of how motherhood makes you shine
Smile face sticker - to wish you happy days always
Tea Bag - so you can sit back and relax once in a while
Fireball - for times when you are burnt out
Heart - you are close in heart, not just today, but everyday
Eraser - to remind you that everyone makes mistakes. That’s okay, we learn by them
Memory game - thanks for all the good memories. I look forward to many more
Tootsie roll - to remind you to let the small stuff roll off your shoulders
Sweet and sour candy - to remind you that every child is different
Tooth - thank you for sharing your wisdom
A poem - thank you for always knowing just what to say
Pom Poms - Thank you for always being in my “cheering” section
M&M’s - You are a “Marvelous Mom”- Thank you for always giving your best, for loving me and believing in me and for always being there 365 days of the year.
A bag - to help you keep it all together
Why I Love You Survival Kit
Jolly Rancher : for all the times you make me laugh
Sweet Escapes: for the special times we spend alone
Hugs & Kisses: yours are simply the best
100,000 Bar : you are worth more than a grand to me
Skittles : for the rainbow of colors life has become since I met you
Peppermint Patty : for the cool sensations you give me
Cotton Ball : to help soften any rough times
Popcorn : cause you keep popping into my thoughts
Balloon : because you encourage me to reach for the sky
Needle & Thread : to remind you that we are bound together
Match : we are a perfect match
Pom Pom : for the warm fuzzies you give me
Silk Rose : which will last us
Puzzle Piece : without you I'm not whole.
Sister Survival Kit
Tootsie Roll - For all the times we've let the good times "roll" . Payday - So we will always have money to go - SHOPPING! Gobstopper - For the "gobs" of trouble we have gotten into over the years . Gum - To remind you that a family that "sticks" together stays together . Mars - Through the rough times, just remember - Men are from Mars...women are from Venus . Sweet and Sour Tarts - We are individuals and should celebrate our differences . Popcorn - Even if we haven't talked yet today - you have already "popped" into my thoughts . Jolly Rancher - For the times I can't be there with you to make you smile . Starburst - For the times you feel like you will "burst" if you don't share your secret with me . Puzzle Piece - Don't ever forget you are an important piece of my life . Coversation Hearts - For all of our "heartfelt" conversations . Tissues - For all the joyful tears we've shared . Peppermint Patty - Just in case I can't be there to give you a "pat" on the back - this will have to do! .35 cents - Incase you need to call on me for advice . A Nail File - For all the times you smoothed things over for me - so I wouldn't get into trouble! Tea Bags - To get you back for all those times you "teased" me!
Parents Survival Kit
Cotton Ball : for times when you can't hear yourself think.
*Rope : in case you get to the end of yours.
*Rubber Band : to remind you to stretch and grow with your children.
*Sweet & Sour Candy : to remind you that every child is different.
*Eraser : so everyone can start each day with a clean slate.
*Clock : to remind you that children grow up too fast.
*Puzzle Piece : to remind you that you are an important piece in the journey of your child. *Marbles : to replace the ones you've lost.
*Band Aid : to fix hurt feelings.
*Nuts : to remind you to laugh..get a little nutty.
*Tootsie Roll : to remind you to roll with the punches.
*Candle : so you never feel in the dark.
*Do Not Disturb Sign : to remind you that you need time to yourself.
*Aspirin : for when all else fails...take two.
*Peppermint : to remind you that your job as parents is worth a mint.
*A piece of velcro: for when you need to get a grip!
Friendship Survival Kit
A mint: you're worth a mint to me.
A button: If you can't say something nice, it's better to "button your lip".
A tissue: For drying tears.
A toothpick: To "pick out" the good qualities in everyone.
A gold thread: Friendship is the golden thread that ties together our hearts.
A flower: In the "garden of life" each friendship is beautiful and unique.
Lifesavers: Sometimes we all need a little help.
Cotton Ball: To cushion the rough roads.
Rubber Band: For flexibility!
Sweet & Sour Tarts: A reminder to appreciate the differences in others.
A Hug & Kiss: Sometimes we all need hugs & kisses.
Happy Faces: Smiling is contagious.
Candle: You light up my life.
Bandaid: For healing hurt feelings.
Paper Clip: To keep everything together.
A Star: To reflect your inner beauty
Daughters Survival Kit
Heart- to remind you that there's no one like a Daughter to fill ones heart with love.
Smiley Face- to remind you to always share your smile with others.
Ribbon- to let you know our Friendship is a special gift, tied with Ribbons of love.
Mint- You are "Worth A Mint' to so many People.
Angel- To watch over you each day.
Stars- To remind you to "Reach for the stars"
Rubberband- To give you the extra stretch and Flexibility to meet the demands of each day. Kiss- to remind you that "THAT I LOVE YOU"
Flower- to let you know that If Daughters were flowers, I'd pick you.
Penny- to make sure you're never broke.
New Mother's Survival Kit
Hershey's Hugs & Kisses: for you and the baby, for you both deserve them
Penny: for your thoughts
Pen & Journal: to write down your thoughts & to remember those amazing moments
Clock: to remind you that time will pass by too quickly, enjoy every moment
Mirror: to remind you that you are important too
Marbles: to replace the ones you will lose
Jewel: now that you are a mother, you are even more valuable
Rubber band: to remind you that flexibility is the key
Lifesavers: to save you from one of those days
Tissue: to dry those tears, the babies and yours
Toothpick: to pick out the good in all situations
Fireball: for times when you are burnt out
Lollipop: to lick all your problems
Eraser: to remind you that every new Mom made mistakes
Puzzle Piece: because you are an important piece in your child's journey through life
Starburst: for energy!
Surgery Survival Kit
Needle and Thread - in case the stitches don't hold .
Lifesavers - to remind you that friends are here to help .
Cotton Ball - to cushion the rough roads .
Happy Faces - smiling helps you heal faster .
Joke Book - Laughing helps you heal faster.
Hersheys Hug and Kiss - for whenever you need one .
Starburst - when you need a burst of energy .
Rainbow - to remind you that after the storm comes the rainbow
Crayon - to color your day bright and cheerful.
Marble/Ball - to keep you rolling on the road of recovery .
Rubberband - to keep you bouncing back.
Pastor's Wife Survival Kit
A golden thread - to remind you that friendship is the golden thread that ties together the hearts of everyone.
Hugs & Kisses - when you need a hug
toothpick - to help pick out the good qualities in others and yourself
lifesaver candy- for the times others need your help and you theirs
marbles- to replace the ones you've lost
Mounds bar- for the "mounds" of love and support in your congregation
tissues - to wipe the tears of joy and sadness
doorstop- so your door is always open
candle- to help light your path to God
cotton ball- for cushioned support of your husband for the rough roads ahead
button- to remind you to sometimes "button your lip".
bandaid-to heal the pain and suffering within your church
pack of gum- so that your church can "stick together".
crayon-to color your day bright and cheerful
sponge-for when your love overflows
penny-so you'll never be broke
rubberband-to remind you to be flexible
puzzle piece-without you, things wouldn't be complete
jewel-because you are as valuable as any precious stone
Parents of Twins Survival Kit
a WHOLE Bag of Cotton Balls...for times when you can't hear yourself think
Two Pieces of case you get to the end of yours
Two Rubber remind you to stretch and grow with your children
Sweet & Sour remind you that every child is different remind you that children grow up too fast
Puzzle remind you that you are an important piece in the journey of each of your children replace the ones you've lost and the kids have claimed remind you to laugh...get a little nutty and keep the humor of life alive
Tootsie remind you to roll with the punches - things will get a little hectic with twins. you never feel alone in the dark
Do Not Disturb remind you that you need time to yourselves
Aspirin...for when all else fails...take two each. remind you that your job as parents is worth a mint
A piece of velcro...for when you need to get a grip
Hugs and Kisses...because you'll need lots of them too.
Pack of remind you that everything works when you "stick" together.
Tea remind you to take time to reflect on your blessings
Crayon-To color your Familys Day cheerful and bright.
Penny- So you'll never be completly broke
Band-aid- For hurt feelings; yours or someone elses.
Lifesaver-For always being there when your children need you.
Eraser- Because we all make mistakes; sometimes it will be you & sometimes it will be your child.
Paper Clip - So you can hold it all together.
Clothespin- Because sometimes being the grownup stinks
Mom's Survival Kit
Penny : for your thoughts
Pen & Journal : to write down your thoughts & all the amazing funny things your children do Clock : to remind you that time will pass by too quickly, enjoy every moment.
Mirror : to remind you that you are important too.
Marbles : to replace the ones you will lose.
Jewel : now that you are a mother you are even more valuable.
Rubberband : to remind you to remain flexible
Sweet and Sour lollipop :to remind you to lick the sour times and savor the sweet times Lifesavers : to save you from one of those days
Tissue : to dry those tears, the children's and yours.
Toothpick : to pick out the good in all situations
Fireball : for times when you are burnt out
Eraser : to remind you that every Mom makes mistakes
Puzzle Piece : because you are an important piece in your child's journey through life
Starburst : for energy
Fabric Square:4 all the times you will have to use your imagination for last minute costumes, outfits.
2 Wiggle Eyes : those extra eyes for the back of your head.
Hershey's Hugs & Kisses: for when you've given all of yours away and you need some back.
Love Survival Kit
On little pieces of paper write reasons why "I Love You" Fold them up and place them in a jar Sweet Escapes- for those times we spend alone
Candle- you are the light of my life
Peppermint Patty- for the cool sensations you give me
Stick of gum- for all the times you've stuck by me
Matches- we are a perfect match
Charmin Tissue- you are too irresistible NOT to squeeze
Mounds- for the mounds of love I feel for you....
Hugs and Kisses- your name
Courtesty of