Change of Heart

I began a change in my heart about two weeks ago. My mind kept racing around thoughts and I was burdened with a desire to really dive into my devotionals and God's word.  I began with just a little each day.  Then I read 3 and the Sunday school lesson for the week.  The more and more time that I spent reading scripture I began to realize something.  It seemed that I was hearing God more.  I was understanding things or seeing things in a whole new way.  I have always seen God as this being on a huge throne looking down on his creation.  He throws out answers to prayer and divides the punishments for our sin.  Throwing a situation in front of us to excercise the patience we asked for or letting Satan give us a new tv show that will see if we compromise our beliefs. But, in the few short days I have really listened I don't see God the same today as I did yesterday.


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