Christmas update....
I haven't made a real post since the 15th so I thought it was time! :) Christmas time is a pretty busy time of year for most people. Everyone is shopping, cooking, spending more time with family, and baking those yummy treats so many enjoy. It is also a very highly stressful/emotional time for many. My family is no exception. Hurtful things have been said, sly comments have been noted, and situations don't look as if they are going to change. It is sad really! When an adult makes a choice that adult is going to have to live with the consequences of that choice....good or bad. What is sad is when an adult can't accept that consequence and just tuff it out. It's like looking at a 7 year old child that is trying to get out of being caught doing something wrong. Anywho, with high emotions and lots of busyness, this Christmas weekend was wonderful. It ended on a good note and I truly enjoyed spending time with my family and my husbands family. And if you know anything about me that is amazing! I do believe God has truly blessed us this year with such an amazing time! If God wouldn't have been in it then I do believe it could have been something unforgettable but in a not so fun way. ;) So, this post is mainly to praise God! Through Him all things are possible! Even a wonderful family and inlaws. I just praise His name and am so thankful for the Savior that was born! We celebrate such a wonderful birth day at the end of every year. It's just sad that that joy and happiness from the day seems to disipate by the next day. Decorations start to disappear, the lovely lights are no longer turned on, the nativity sets are put away and the celebration seems to end. Truly though the celebration should be every day! Jesus is our Savior!!! He should be praised and celebrated daily through our constant giving, helping, studying, worshiping, sharing, witnessing, praying, and praising! I'm guilty myself of not celebrating daily and rejoicing daily of the wonderful God we have! So... this gets me to thinking of my purpose for the new coming year!