
Today's world is not a very uplifting or encouraging world! Many are not purposeful.  There are so many people that just go from day to day working and don't actually have a purpose for their day.  Then I thought.... Some people have a purpose. That purpose is just to get through the day without screaming, yelling, cursing, or being the horrible fleshly human they are.  Other's purpose is to just make it through the day at all.  But, to me that is not a true purpose.  That isn't living.  That is merely surving with nothing more.  Nothing extra.  Well, I have been guilty of this myself at times.  I find myself realizing that I want to have an effect on something or someone.  Even if it is myself.  Something great needs to happen all the time.  God loves me and I am precious to Him.  I am beautiful in His eyes.  Yes, I have made choices that put my body very out of shape and a little more curvy that need be. ;)  God loves me all the same.  I have to be purposeful in my daily walk.  I have to make a conscience effort to encourage someone else or to celebrate the victories of others and not just myself. 

I just started a new business with Thirty-One!  One of the main reasons that I fell in love with the company is because of their mission statement and their products.  This company wants to celebrate, encourage and reward women that are hard working and helpful to others.  Like the Proverbs 31 woman.  Which is where the company's name came from.  I know, I know.  I am talking Thirty-One AGAIN.  But, this company has just amazed me.  I am a newby.  Only started last month but I can't believe the difference in this company verses some of the others out there.  Just Awesome is all I can say.  The encouragement and uplifting way of teaching and coaching just melts my heart.  I initially started this business to help pay for the gas and groceries each month.  Then I got to dreaming, I got to thinking big.  I started this business to make a difference in our finances each month.  I can't just 'get by'.  I need to do what I can, the best I can.  God didn't give me this journey and opportunity to just sit back and hope it goes somewhere.  He gave me this journey to make a difference and help my family financially.  What's funny is that it has been almost a month and I am already spiritually encouraged.  I want to be purposefull and encourage my hostesses and my customers.  I want them to have the best service from me and the best products each and every time! 

Purposeful....... What does that word mean to you?  What are ways that you can be purposeful throughout your day, your week, or even the month?  Think ahead.  If you participated in A Bowl Full Of Lemons daily challenge then you can add an extra section to you home management binder of ways to encourage and lift up others in your life.  I did that and am SO looking forward to what is to come.  I don't expect anything out of it other than the pure JOY of making someone's day. 

Can't wait to hear from you.  So, SHARE!!!  Please.  What does purposeful mean to you?



Deana said…
I like to say that I try to live life on purpose. I always feel horrible when I'm just getting by. It feels like I'm accidentally living life just hoping that maybe something good will come out of it. I love your idea of adding the section to the binder. I think that the binder is one way to be purposeful. Thanks for sharing your heart today. It blessed mine. :)

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