Complaining....too much?

I am currently in the 31st week of my 4th pregnancy.  Just a little background on me.... I have had three all natural births with no pain medication.  I have never had any  major health concerns and have had relatively great pregnancies and deliveries.  My children were 8 lbs 3 oz, 7lbs 14 ozs, and 8 lbs 15ozs.  Good size babies and they were long babies.  I have been blessed beyond measure with pregnancies and labor/deliveries! Now, with this pregnancy I was sick for months and now the last 2 months have been miserable.  I had a previous injury that is causing major pelvic, hip and other unmentionable pain.  There are some days it is difficult to even walk and pick my legs up.  Turning over in the bed at night is almost impossible with out a squished face and me saying ouch.  I have always enjoyed the amazing feeling of a baby moving around inside of me.... of that precious blessing of a child hearing my heart beat from inside the womb.  It's just an amazing thing that God has done for women.  So.... I have been in major pain and complaining for weeks.  I even have been in a 'mood' that is being taken out on my three undeserving children.  They didn't make me hurt.  They can't help that I feel bad daily.  So I decided yesterday that I would stop crying, stop stressing, stop trying to do everything myself, I would deligate more, yell less, and try to talk everything out.  After a day of talking with a really good friend, blogging, and being honest when someone asks, "How are you feeling?", I feel SO much better!  It was hard to keep putting on my fake smile and happy attitude when I am at my job, at church, or just around people. 

So, have I been doing too much complaining and not handling things well?  Well,  YES!!  Absolutely.  I wasn't taking my concerns to God and asking for healing or coping.  I was trying to do it myself and make sure everything is done my way.  Did I ever stop once and think if my attitude and actions were teaching my children well and pleasing to God?  NO.  Not until yesterday when I got smacked around a little.  God tends to send scripture or something my way that whips my astray rear back to towing the line.  It's one reason I think I have the most awesome and merciful God!!

Anyhow, I said that I would be sure and air out what's all on my mind and heart. This will be my pregnancy diary and whatever else that I decide to share.  :)  I'm currently baking my son's 3rd birthday cake and I am hoping to turn it into a construction zone master piece that he will love.  Ha.... We'll see.  I'll post pictures of my creation and see what you think next week.  Have a great weekend and God bless!! 



rainbow said…
Isn't it nice to know God is so patient and kind to us at all times. He knows what we are feeling and knows we will come to our senses soon. LOVE TO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY. My prayers will be with you these last two months of pregnancy. They, for me, were the hardest, it will.all be worth it the first time you get to hold the new little one. Blessing I send your way, sit back and enjoy the ride.


rainbow (Momma Lyn)

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