Word for 2012
During the last few days of our winter break I was challenged to choose a word for 2012. I thought of several words that would seem appropriate such as responsible, steady, greatful, humble, etc. But, none of those words reached into my heart and made me a little uncomfortable. Those words just seemed like empty words. So I dug deeper and wiggled a little when I come across the word... DILIGENT.
At first I didn't think it was such a great word. Then God showed me it was exactly the word I was going to use! He did that by my cleaning of all things. I was going through old file folders in our file cabinet getting ready for 2012. I come across my children's character building cards. We used these weekly by choosing a different card each week to work on. I read one that had that word. It defines diligent characterized by steady, earnest, and energetic effort. Then the great part is there is a scripture from Colossians 3:23 that reads, "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the LORD, not for men." Oh how that just made my heart jump and tugged at a place that spun my blogging topic wheels out of control. I started thinking of all the things I could be more diligent in/with. With all that I realized I intend on being more diligent in Mothering, in our finances (we want to be nearly debt free by the end of the year), in my time and especially in our Bible study and prayer. So many ways to use that one little word. So... what is your word for the year? I challenge you to pick a word that you will purposely work on daily, weekly, monthly and all through the year. Not to just make yourself look better but to serve God in a way that brings Him glory and praise. Make a small change to accomplish that word. Below are a few examples of more common words people choose.
Smile (this one is great. You just smile at someone you don't know every single day just to make them smile)
Intentional (This was almost my word for the year. Maybe next year. :))
So, now that I have my word for the year picked out I'm going to quit blogging and get studying. I'm currently on week one of a Beth Moore bible study. I can't wait to see where this study will take me with God! SO excited to be doing another bible study with the ladies in my church.
rainbow (Momma Lyn)