My new study and Good Morning Girls idea?!
Over the last several weeks I have been wondering what bible study or character study I should do next. I just completed Beth Moore's David bible study. Having a heart for God is rather hard. You have to dig deep and change a LOT, did I say a LOT of things. That study broke my heart in more ways than I wanted it to just so I could have it healed by our Mighty God!! I still have a few things to work on breaking before the healing is complete but I am working on it. Now that I have those thoughts I realized that I need to have accountability for daily time with God and reading His word! I found a website called Good Morning Girls. It's awesome and I can't wait to start a group of our own and share with other women and mothers about life. During the Summer it is hard to go to a bible study when all of the kiddos are home and I have a busy husband on call 24/7. SO.... this type of group would be wonderful for busy mama's such as myself. During nap time or when they are in bed I can do my bible reading, prayer time and email out or message everyone in the group on what I read and my thoughts.
Here's the link to the Good Morning Girls website for details on how it all works. And here is their Good Morning Girls Facebook page. Check it out and leave your thoughts on the idea, what type of study, book or whatever to read and if you would be interested in this type of accountability group.
Today Angela, from Good Morning Girls, wrote:
"The quiet serenity of spending time in God’s Word, conversing with the King of Kings is now replaced with 3 hungry little girls all wanting to be fed, 2 of them telling me about their dreams from the night before…at the same time and each wanting their mommy’s 100% attention! Life as a mom can be crazy!!!! But you know what? I wouldn’t want it any other way!
What we do inside our homes matter!
God is changing our world through YOU! Rock it, girl! "
OH how true this is!! We get up a few minutes early IF we can to have a little quiet time with God and are interrupted by a child that needs to wake before it is time. :) I feel incredibly blessed to the opportunity to raise 4 children in the Lord! Yesterday I feel as if I accomplished a huge feat by scrubbing the bathroom and getting several other tasks done. However, today..... not so much. I have been busy for sure but nothing seems to be visibly completed. That feeling can often be hard to swallow when you want to show that you have actually done something today.
A dear friend and I were discussing this several days ago. There are days you feel as if you haven't done anything but if you sit down and write a list of every single thing you have done you will see that changing 10 diapers, nursing a baby for 20 minutes every 2 hours, cleaning up a 3 year olds mess 4 different times, making breakfast, making lunch, and putting laundry from washer to dryer is actually a lot in the few short hours you have at home while the other children and our dear husbands are away working. Our time if valuable and we have to use it wisely. In this season of life using our time wisely may just be an extra 10 minutes of snuggling our newborns or toddlers during one of the few times they actually allow it.
God has blessed us with a wonderful and challenging ministry to raise and nurture our children. Through God's wonderful grace and mercy we will flourish as mother's, women, and a community of 'sister's in Christ!
I pray over you and hope that you have a wonderful and blessing filled week with your family. Cherish the moments that you have while your children are still young. I am a mother of young children so I know these moments will not last forever. The moments I have with them will be much different as they grow older. :)
Blessings to ya honey,
Here's the link to the Good Morning Girls website for details on how it all works. And here is their Good Morning Girls Facebook page. Check it out and leave your thoughts on the idea, what type of study, book or whatever to read and if you would be interested in this type of accountability group.
Today Angela, from Good Morning Girls, wrote:
"The quiet serenity of spending time in God’s Word, conversing with the King of Kings is now replaced with 3 hungry little girls all wanting to be fed, 2 of them telling me about their dreams from the night before…at the same time and each wanting their mommy’s 100% attention! Life as a mom can be crazy!!!! But you know what? I wouldn’t want it any other way!
Motherhood can be hard. It can be
exhausting. Some days it takes everything that I have to give….and then some!
But the opportunity to raise 3 precious little girls for my Lord’s glory is
priceless, even on those days when I feel I have accomplished nothing. But there
is such meaning in the mundane.
Be a mom!
Have you ever heard the saying, “The hand that rocks the cradle, is the hand that rules the world”? It comes from this poem.
....What we do inside our homes matter!
How we love our children…..matters!
How we love our husbands….matters!
Kissing booboos and tickling feet, matters!
Listening to dreams, stories and silly little knock, knock jokes… all matters.
Want to rock this world? Be a mom who raises children who rock this world!
How? Here are some things I've done to make God a reality in our home:
- Read to them God’s Word.
- Talk to them about how much God loves them.
- Love on them daily, hourly, minute by minute!
- Take time to listen.
- Take time to play.
- Take time to be silly with them.
- Give them rules to obey…..and then give them grace when they mess-up.
- Be the example they need to follow…..and then give yourself grace when you mess-up.
Being a mom is one of the most powerful jobs in the world……embrace it!
OH how true this is!! We get up a few minutes early IF we can to have a little quiet time with God and are interrupted by a child that needs to wake before it is time. :) I feel incredibly blessed to the opportunity to raise 4 children in the Lord! Yesterday I feel as if I accomplished a huge feat by scrubbing the bathroom and getting several other tasks done. However, today..... not so much. I have been busy for sure but nothing seems to be visibly completed. That feeling can often be hard to swallow when you want to show that you have actually done something today.
A dear friend and I were discussing this several days ago. There are days you feel as if you haven't done anything but if you sit down and write a list of every single thing you have done you will see that changing 10 diapers, nursing a baby for 20 minutes every 2 hours, cleaning up a 3 year olds mess 4 different times, making breakfast, making lunch, and putting laundry from washer to dryer is actually a lot in the few short hours you have at home while the other children and our dear husbands are away working. Our time if valuable and we have to use it wisely. In this season of life using our time wisely may just be an extra 10 minutes of snuggling our newborns or toddlers during one of the few times they actually allow it.
God has blessed us with a wonderful and challenging ministry to raise and nurture our children. Through God's wonderful grace and mercy we will flourish as mother's, women, and a community of 'sister's in Christ!
I pray over you and hope that you have a wonderful and blessing filled week with your family. Cherish the moments that you have while your children are still young. I am a mother of young children so I know these moments will not last forever. The moments I have with them will be much different as they grow older. :)
Blessings to ya honey,