Finding Joy in the Unpleasant Weather
They are ugly, messy and just plain irritating. Especially when you've got this whole day (week, month, or even year) all planned out expecting a little more pleasant weather.
Joy is lost. Discouragement follows close behind.
Realization: I have my thinking a little backwards. Instead of focusing on the Captain of my ship I decided to focus more on the crew and passengers. Any time that I do this I grow discouraged and lose my joy in life.
Colossians 3:23-24 reads, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.”
When I begin to serve men (or my children, or husband or the 'church' functions) instead of God I lose heart, joy and become so very discouraged.
Because men will always disappoint at some point or another!
God is our rock! God is our solid foundation!
When I leave my discouragement unchecked I eventually threaten the ministry in my life and usefulness to God. That certainly destroys my joy. One result in of leaving it unchecked is the temptation to be alone inside your ship or to not take risks and jump in the water and to even not trust others. I have to learn to follow the path God has laid before me, and not stray to that of the enemy. I am so afraid that I'm going to miss out on God's surprises in the ministries I am part of in my life.
When life is tough and the storm rages I have to still find that inner joy. That kind of joy ONLY comes from loving and serving God!! So, when those waves start coming in a little bigger and the lights fades some I can still find joy in life!!
Here's my prayer!
"Restore in me a joy of serving YOU, God! One of being called to this place, these circumstances, to the crew and passengers in my ship and the timing of these things.
THere is no great joy and privilege - even in the storms! "For it is the Lord Christ we are serving."
They are ugly, messy and just plain irritating. Especially when you've got this whole day (week, month, or even year) all planned out expecting a little more pleasant weather.
Joy is lost. Discouragement follows close behind.
Realization: I have my thinking a little backwards. Instead of focusing on the Captain of my ship I decided to focus more on the crew and passengers. Any time that I do this I grow discouraged and lose my joy in life.
Colossians 3:23-24 reads, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.”
When I begin to serve men (or my children, or husband or the 'church' functions) instead of God I lose heart, joy and become so very discouraged.
Because men will always disappoint at some point or another!
God is our rock! God is our solid foundation!
When I leave my discouragement unchecked I eventually threaten the ministry in my life and usefulness to God. That certainly destroys my joy. One result in of leaving it unchecked is the temptation to be alone inside your ship or to not take risks and jump in the water and to even not trust others. I have to learn to follow the path God has laid before me, and not stray to that of the enemy. I am so afraid that I'm going to miss out on God's surprises in the ministries I am part of in my life.
When life is tough and the storm rages I have to still find that inner joy. That kind of joy ONLY comes from loving and serving God!! So, when those waves start coming in a little bigger and the lights fades some I can still find joy in life!!
Here's my prayer!
"Restore in me a joy of serving YOU, God! One of being called to this place, these circumstances, to the crew and passengers in my ship and the timing of these things.
THere is no great joy and privilege - even in the storms! "For it is the Lord Christ we are serving."
Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks;
for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
Do not quench the Spirit. Do not despise prophecies.
Test all things; hold fast what is good.
Abstain from every form of evil." 1 Thessalonians 5: 16-20