Oh that ONE WORD
So I am going about my Saturday cleaning. I'm chewing out my kids because for the 10th time they aren't picking their mess up or they aren't obeying promptly. I'm using my quiet, serious voice that should result in complete fear to even breathe loudly. However, on this particular Saturday evening my beautiful children decided to ignore that change in tone and do as they pleased.
MAMA BEAR LOST IT. The crazy was bore for all to see.
Unfortunately there was that one word. Ya know, the one that has not slipped over your lips in many a moon and you would NEVER say in front of little ears. The dreaded D word UGH. I was beyond angry. I was out of control to be perfectly honest.
So, as I catch myself screaming at the children God entrusted me with....I realized something.
Here I am yelling at my children in a way that literally was embarrassing. I was just me being selfish and venting my frustrations inappropriately. I was not helping the situation ANY. I was NOT saying or reacting to anything properly. I was fed up and had enough. I was fed up with being ignored, disrespected and the blatant disobedience. I was stressed out from being more busy that I'm sure God intended for me to be. I was not managing my time wisely and was not organized at home. These two things ended up being the final driving force to operation crazy lady.
After losing my ever loving mind and making a complete fool of myself I realized two things.
1. I'm crazy.
but more importantly
2. I need God closer than ever right now.
I am in the trenches of ministry and being a mother as well as trying to fulfill the other roles in my life well. I do have a lot going on but if I manage my time wisely then I should be less stressed and be able to still do everything well. However, I'm not managing everything well. Especially making our house a home. It's not inviting. heck, it's not even half way clean. the floors have a life of their own, the couch is a huge laundry basket, the kitchen is neglected and don't even get me started about the state of my vehicle. That's another post all in itself. Praise Jesus the hubster is taken care of. He has clean clothes and is well loved. ;) Ha.
God's been speaking to me. During recent blog reading and then today during my morning MOPS meeting I hear the same verse. 2 Timothy 1:7
It reads, "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. "
There it is! God has given me a sound mind. Maybe I'm not crazy?!
What are you struggling with this week? Do you have some crazy lady hiding in you?
I would LOVE to hear that I am not alone in the trenches.
In the midst of the crazy and the busy I think it's high time that I start taking care of me a little while I'm taking care of everyone else. I need to strengthen my relationship with Jesus. I have got to plug in to the Word of God while still ministering to those He has given me. I need to prioritize those things that are best for me and the path God has laid out ahead.
I thank you for the grace that you provide to me daily with each new mess I make, with each failure I find myself in, and with every situation I don't handle well. God please forgive me where I do fall short or fall flat on my face in these trying situations. I pray for guidance in reacting in a way that is pleasing to You. I want to love like Jesus loves me. I ask that you bless each person that reads this with a sound mind or at least clear direction on the way to get back to that clarity and peace. I want to keep my crazy in check and would love for it to disappear all together. God I pray for your continued mercy and grace. In Jesus precious and holy name. Amen.
MAMA BEAR LOST IT. The crazy was bore for all to see.

So, as I catch myself screaming at the children God entrusted me with....I realized something.
Here I am yelling at my children in a way that literally was embarrassing. I was just me being selfish and venting my frustrations inappropriately. I was not helping the situation ANY. I was NOT saying or reacting to anything properly. I was fed up and had enough. I was fed up with being ignored, disrespected and the blatant disobedience. I was stressed out from being more busy that I'm sure God intended for me to be. I was not managing my time wisely and was not organized at home. These two things ended up being the final driving force to operation crazy lady.
After losing my ever loving mind and making a complete fool of myself I realized two things.
1. I'm crazy.
but more importantly
2. I need God closer than ever right now.
I am in the trenches of ministry and being a mother as well as trying to fulfill the other roles in my life well. I do have a lot going on but if I manage my time wisely then I should be less stressed and be able to still do everything well. However, I'm not managing everything well. Especially making our house a home. It's not inviting. heck, it's not even half way clean. the floors have a life of their own, the couch is a huge laundry basket, the kitchen is neglected and don't even get me started about the state of my vehicle. That's another post all in itself. Praise Jesus the hubster is taken care of. He has clean clothes and is well loved. ;) Ha.
God's been speaking to me. During recent blog reading and then today during my morning MOPS meeting I hear the same verse. 2 Timothy 1:7
It reads, "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. "
There it is! God has given me a sound mind. Maybe I'm not crazy?!
What are you struggling with this week? Do you have some crazy lady hiding in you?
I would LOVE to hear that I am not alone in the trenches.
In the midst of the crazy and the busy I think it's high time that I start taking care of me a little while I'm taking care of everyone else. I need to strengthen my relationship with Jesus. I have got to plug in to the Word of God while still ministering to those He has given me. I need to prioritize those things that are best for me and the path God has laid out ahead.
I thank you for the grace that you provide to me daily with each new mess I make, with each failure I find myself in, and with every situation I don't handle well. God please forgive me where I do fall short or fall flat on my face in these trying situations. I pray for guidance in reacting in a way that is pleasing to You. I want to love like Jesus loves me. I ask that you bless each person that reads this with a sound mind or at least clear direction on the way to get back to that clarity and peace. I want to keep my crazy in check and would love for it to disappear all together. God I pray for your continued mercy and grace. In Jesus precious and holy name. Amen.