Nursery/Bedroom Project

While spending time online looking at baby bedding I stumbled across a CUTE idea for a nursery/small childs room.  Since I have a 2 1/2 year old and a little one on the way I think this art will be super cute and useful. 

Here is the art work from Tip Junkie! 

If you want to check out how they did it you can go here.  The best part is it is fairly cheap!  These alphabet cards and other things needed are inexpensive so it's even a great gift for someone or even a young child. :)  I can't wait until September when we find out if our baby is a girl or a boy.  Then I can paint it to match the bedrooms. :)  Or I may just paint it a neutral color....???  The possibilities are endless.  If you make one let me know and share the pictures. :)  Have a wonderful Friday!



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