Strong willed or just hard headed

I have a 7 1/2 year old boy, 5 year old girl, and nearly 2 year old boy.  I have a wide range of challenges for my three VERY independent children.  Sometimes I wonder if they are strong willed or just hard headed and stubborn.  It could be a mixture of the two.  I am going to be honest and tell you that they get it from me.  I am very strong willed and a little hard headed at times.  I am willing to admit that. ;)  My problem is trying to redirect them in a positive Christ like way.  There are days I want to just scream at them but I know it would make them shut down and shut me out.  That is one thing I absolutely do not want to do.  I love my children and all the challenges I face in being their mom.  I may not like those challenges while in the midst of them but when I look back at a challenge handled well I smile.  I can look back and see God in those times.  Which is such a awesome and proud feeling.  God is using us to build his children.  It's just wonderful!

God bless and have a wonerful week.



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