A desire to grow
A. We Will Never Grow Unless We Want to Grow
"I want to grow up to be just like Mommy/Daddy/Michael Jordan..." "I can't wait till I'm 16 so I can drive."
Parents and kids become so excited when kids learn something new - the first step, first word, draw picture, etc. Everyone wants them to develop new abilities.
Parents sometimes use this to encourage children. When Tim was small, he wanted to drink milk because Bill Buckner (Cubs' first baseman) advertised it.
1 Peter 2:2 - Desire the pure milk of the word, that you may grow thereby.
Some seem to like being spiritual babies. They don't want to grow. It's easy to be a baby - no responsibility. Others feed you, clothe you, change your diaper. In the church, you don't have to teach, rebuke sin, or do work. It's a free ride!
But being a baby is not the goal of life. We are born babies so we can grow up and be productive and useful. Likewise, we are born again, so we can become mature Christians, actively serving the Lord.
One of the conditions for becoming a child of God is REPENTANCE. One must determine to turn from sin and GO TO WORK in God's vineyard. Then one must bring forth the FRUITS of repentance. This will lead us to grow and improve in God's work. Otherwise, we have not accomplished our purpose for becoming children of God.
1 Peter 2:21 - Jesus set an example for us, and we should follow in His steps. We should ask ourselves, "Don't I want to grow up to be spiritually strong like Jesus?"
Others develop a level of maturity and stagnate. They are satisfied, thinking no more growth is needed.
Matthew 26:31-35 - Peter thought he had reached a level where he would never deny Jesus. But that very night he denied Him three times.
1 Corinthians 10:12 - Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall. Christians never reach the point we are so mature that we cannot fall.
One of the main reasons Christians do not grow is that they do not see the NEED for growing. They have no desire to work and serve to the full extent of their ability. When people develop a burning hunger and thirst to work for the Lord, then they will develop the other steps they need to grow.
Do you have that burning desire to accomplish more for the Lord? Have you set specific goals of work you want to accomplish for God, improvements to make, new levels to reach?
In the physical realm, children WANT to grow.
"I want to grow up to be just like Mommy/Daddy/Michael Jordan..." "I can't wait till I'm 16 so I can drive."
Parents and kids become so excited when kids learn something new - the first step, first word, draw picture, etc. Everyone wants them to develop new abilities.
Parents sometimes use this to encourage children. When Tim was small, he wanted to drink milk because Bill Buckner (Cubs' first baseman) advertised it.
Likewise, in spiritual matters, Christians must WANT to grow.
1 Peter 2:2 - Desire the pure milk of the word, that you may grow thereby.
Some seem to like being spiritual babies. They don't want to grow. It's easy to be a baby - no responsibility. Others feed you, clothe you, change your diaper. In the church, you don't have to teach, rebuke sin, or do work. It's a free ride!
But being a baby is not the goal of life. We are born babies so we can grow up and be productive and useful. Likewise, we are born again, so we can become mature Christians, actively serving the Lord.
One of the conditions for becoming a child of God is REPENTANCE. One must determine to turn from sin and GO TO WORK in God's vineyard. Then one must bring forth the FRUITS of repentance. This will lead us to grow and improve in God's work. Otherwise, we have not accomplished our purpose for becoming children of God.
1 Peter 2:21 - Jesus set an example for us, and we should follow in His steps. We should ask ourselves, "Don't I want to grow up to be spiritually strong like Jesus?"
B. We Must Maintain This Desire to Grow.
Some members who once wanted to grow, may lose that desire.
They may start off on fire for the Lord, but lose their zeal. They develop a spirit of indifference or negligence.Others develop a level of maturity and stagnate. They are satisfied, thinking no more growth is needed.
The Scriptures teach that growth is always needed.
Philippians 3:12-14 - Even Paul, as mature as he was, did not consider himself to have achieved perfection (maturity) such that he could cease striving to improve. He forgot past achievements (and failures) and pressed on to greater accomplishments.Matthew 26:31-35 - Peter thought he had reached a level where he would never deny Jesus. But that very night he denied Him three times.
1 Corinthians 10:12 - Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall. Christians never reach the point we are so mature that we cannot fall.
One of the main reasons Christians do not grow is that they do not see the NEED for growing. They have no desire to work and serve to the full extent of their ability. When people develop a burning hunger and thirst to work for the Lord, then they will develop the other steps they need to grow.
Do you have that burning desire to accomplish more for the Lord? Have you set specific goals of work you want to accomplish for God, improvements to make, new levels to reach?