Smile... it will get you through!

I'm more than just a wife and mother. I'm a child of God! His daughter! I have an amazing Savior that died for me.
How many times can a smile make you feel better? How often does someone smile at you if you smile first? It is so heartwarming to receive such a simple thing!
A smile can change the life of someone lost! Have you ever known anyone with depression? Let me be the first to tell you that anyone that reaches out to a depressed person is throwing out a life preserver! Depressed people may seem a little stand off-ish or even rude at times. But, if the life preserver is left in reach long enough they are bound to grab hold. Not right away. But in time. Looking back of many years of dealing with it myself I know this first hand! I never realized what it was and of course I denied it for a long time. Then I one day opened my eyes and realized I was surrounded by so many life preservers I didn't know where to grab ahold first. Luckily for my I reached upward and felt God pull me back into his embrace. I think He always had ahold of me but I refused to feel it. It's amazing to be reassured that you are not alone! Praise God for such an amazing journey and creating new perspectives in my life.
A smile confuses an approaching frown.
A smile of encouragement at the right moment may act like sunlight on a closed-up flower; it may be the turning point for a struggling life.
A laugh is a smile that bursts. ~Mary H. Waldrip
I thought I would throw a few quotes in there. :) I hope you enjoyed my ADD post that may or may not make sense. Just a tugging from the heart I felt I needed to share!