Over many months I have had thoughts of ways to 'bond' younger girls with older girls/women.  This is not just for mothers and daughters or grandmothers and grandaughters.  My thoughts have been on a way that the younger ladies can have a mentor.  Someone that they look up to, can come to with questions or prayer need.  Someone that is an example of what a Christian Lady looks like.

What does a Christian Lady "look" like?

There's a question for ya!  The first thing I want to say here is, We will never measure up to THE Christian Lady if we compare ourselves to others alone.  We have to compare the walk we are walking with what has been instructed to us by God! 

I read a quote today regarding my business that I think can apply here as well.

"Something worth building is worth maintaining and protecting. The way you maintain and protect the thing you have built is to keep your finger on it's pulse.  See the critical parts. Develop them.  By keeping your finger on the pulse of the thing and by being pro-active, this thing will continually evolve, grow and thrive instead of just survive."

I changed a few words to make it fit my situation right now.  If I begin to build something, whether it be a relationship, a ministry, or a family, IT is worth maintaining and protecting!  I have to keep my finger on the pulse of whatever the 'THING' is at the time.  If I build it then I have to work to keep it thriving.  The same is to be said about our spiritual lives!  When we keep our fingers on the pulse of our Spiritual Lives, we will know when the pulise is so low we can't tell if we are dead or alive.  I  AM alive!  God is talking to me.  I'm listening and ready to serve!  I am ready to step out into this new journey.  I am very excited to see what comes!  Very thrilled to reflect back over a prayer journal and how those prayers are answered! 

Enough rambling today!  This heart is SO thankful!  Blessings to you and yours!



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