The Emotional Rollercoasters of a Mom
In the past few months I have blogged about so many things. Life in general, really. This week I have looked back on journal entries, blog posts, and facebook status'. Taking a look back on the last few years of the ups, downs, and sideways thoughts I've had.
I have had friendships put through the ringer, God building character in me, births, deaths, cancer battles and many new things. I can truly look back and say I am happy that everything happened the way it did. God has been so faithful and steadfast! I am thankFULL!!!
I have had some health problems over that last few months that could ultimately cause my baby maker to be taken away. This is a huge undecided emotion for me. I don't know if I feel relieved to be rid of the pain and 'feel bad' or if I should stick it out and keep trying to fix whatever is wrong. Right now the problem seems to have fixed itself. I think it is due to the constant prayer and THE ultimate physician! Now, I have thoughts of more children. I have been blessed with three healthy, wonderful children. We are a one small income family with unsupportive family. Only unsupportive when it comes to letting God decide if and when we should have more children. My family is supportive and giving and loving in every other way! We have always wanted four children, no matter the sex. We have two boys and a girl so another girl would be wonderful! Little Miss has already made the statement on numerous occasions that she needs a little sister to take care of and love. So I do pray that she gets that want or her heart is changed to love another brother. So, please keep us in your prayers that we follow God's will regarding more children and my current health dilema.
I have had friendships put through the ringer, God building character in me, births, deaths, cancer battles and many new things. I can truly look back and say I am happy that everything happened the way it did. God has been so faithful and steadfast! I am thankFULL!!!
I have had some health problems over that last few months that could ultimately cause my baby maker to be taken away. This is a huge undecided emotion for me. I don't know if I feel relieved to be rid of the pain and 'feel bad' or if I should stick it out and keep trying to fix whatever is wrong. Right now the problem seems to have fixed itself. I think it is due to the constant prayer and THE ultimate physician! Now, I have thoughts of more children. I have been blessed with three healthy, wonderful children. We are a one small income family with unsupportive family. Only unsupportive when it comes to letting God decide if and when we should have more children. My family is supportive and giving and loving in every other way! We have always wanted four children, no matter the sex. We have two boys and a girl so another girl would be wonderful! Little Miss has already made the statement on numerous occasions that she needs a little sister to take care of and love. So I do pray that she gets that want or her heart is changed to love another brother. So, please keep us in your prayers that we follow God's will regarding more children and my current health dilema.