Super Stylish Blogger
I am so excited! My first blogging award! Really excited, especially since I don't have many readers. Deana over at Country By Marriage awarded me the Stylish Blogger Award. I haven't seen this award before and for sure never thought it would find it's way through my blog. I'm just a simple wife and mother using her blog to share Christ, Family, Crafts, Recipes and whatever else I see fit to talk about. Thank you Deana! I'm honored to have made the list! So if you get a chance check out her blog. She has lots of cool ideas for crafts, recipes, every day things and organization. You'll enjoy it!
You can read Deana's post about her award here.
Now I have Stylish Blogger Award duties. :)
I first want to tell you 7 things about myself.
1. I have been married to my hunny for 9 years in May.
2. We have 3 beautiful children. 2 boys and 1 girl. They give me great joy and great stress all in one breath. :) I'm pretty sure they teach me as much as I teach them. Especially patience and kindness.
3. I have not flown in an airplane or ridden on/in a boat/cruise ship. One... I have massive motion sickness and two... we are a one income family with 3 children. Need I say more. ; )
4. I enjoy baking much more than cooking meals! Especially cakes and things I can decorate and make pretty. It's just so much fun.
5. I really, really enjoy scrapbooking. I'm only a few years behind due to the business and lack of free time. No biggee. I can catch up later. Hopefully.
6. I am a writer. Not many people know how much I write. I often believe my husband is annoyed at the amount of time I spend writing, blogging, emailing and/or journaling. I write in my journal nearly every day and/or blog about those entries.
7. I am almost in love with music. A VERY strong liking for it. ;) Music speaks to me more than almost anything else. I am amazed all the time of the emotion a simple song can bring. The memories. I have even written little songs that I sing to my babies. Well, I have made up words and sung a tune over and over with it. Not really writing a song but you get the point.
And now, as the last part of the Stylish Blogger duties, I get to pass the award on to 15 other blogs that are just awesome. In no particular order these are the websites I check up on most often. These are just some of my favorites. :)
- Paige @ Personalized by Paige
- Kristin @ Purposefull Homemaker
- Laura @ Org Junkie
- Trisha @ 24/7 Moms
- Lindsay @ Passionate Home Making
- Alisha @ Felt So Cute
- Michelle @ A Little Tipsy
- Jen @ The Thrifty Home
- A Bowl Full of Lemons for lots of craft and organizational stuff!
- Laurie @ Tip Junkie
- Manda @ Manda's Rambles
- Mama's Little Nestwork because there's always good stuff to read there!
That was harder than I thought it was going to be. :) There's so many that I enjoy reading and looking through. :) There are organizing tips and tricks, crafts, recipes, patterns and much, much more on these sites! Have fun!