"Want To"
Interesting title don't you think? "Want To." I don't 'want to' do the laundry just yet. I don't 'want to' mop today, it can wait until Thursday. I don't 'want to' give up that special craving or go-to food. I just don't 'want to'.
What would you tell Jesus if he said, " I want you to give up the one thing you crave more than me. Then come, follow me.” In the book of Matthew there is a story of a young rich man asking Jesus what he is lacking. Jesus responds in Matthew 19:21. “If you want to be perfect [whole], go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me." The young man walked away sad because he didn't want to give up the one consuming thing. His riches.
How sad, yet true this story is. How often do we beg, plead, or/and pray that we don't want those sweets or that we have motivation to excercise? Then, when we are given the opportunity, we think or say it is just too much to give up this wonderful t.v. show. We would rather exercise later. Or how often will we just say I'm too tired, even though we've not really done anything to be tired. ME, ME, ME. I do, I do. I've said all those things. How dare I ask for a little more energy, a little more time, or a little more of anything? God gives me opportunity after opportunity to get off my lazy butt and do something. He gives me even more to make the right choice about anything and I refuse to give it up.
"With Jesus, if we want to gain, we must give up.
If we want to be filled, we must deny ourselves.
If we want to truly get close to God, we’ll have to distance ourselves from other things.
If we want to conquer our cravings, we’ll have to redirect them to God.
God made us capable of craving so we’d have an unquenchable desire for more of Him, and Him alone. Nothing changes until we make the choice to redirect our misguided cravings to the only one capable of satisfying them. Getting healthy isn’t just about losing weight. It’s not limited to adjusting our diet and hoping for good physical results. It’s about recalibrating our souls so that we want to change— spiritually, physically and mentally." (quote from "Made to Crave" by Lysa Turkeurst)
I agree entirely! If we 'want to' gain energy, strength, positive attitude, steadfastness, etc., etc., then we are going to have to GIVE UP!! Give up the one(or more) thing that consumes us more than God! I want a desire for more of God! That scares me at this point in my walk. What is God going to ask me to give up next? What convienences will have to go so that I'm closer to God than that thing? Makes ya think doesn't it?
Now it's time to make a choice. Give those cravings of 'other' things to God? Have to do that if I want to be satisfied by God instead of that other thing. I believe that got will give me just enough 'want to' laced in his almighty strength so that I am satisfied!
In a web cast that I recently watched, that included Lysa Turkeurst, I heard these statements. "To be in the center of God's will is to be a woman of JOY, PRAYER, and FULL of THANKSGIVING!" "God made us to crave! Not worldly things. But, to crave HIM!" "We need to be THANKFUL in this moment no matter where you are in your walk." Wow! Those statements touched my heart and ministered to me. I have a long journey ahead of me to finding my 'want to'. I can do this with God on my side. He is proud to call me His daughter and that is the most important thing right now! I AM His daughter! Praise the Lord, Hallelujah!!!!
Have a blessing filled and wonderful day! I know that I have a lot to look forward to!
What would you tell Jesus if he said, " I want you to give up the one thing you crave more than me. Then come, follow me.” In the book of Matthew there is a story of a young rich man asking Jesus what he is lacking. Jesus responds in Matthew 19:21. “If you want to be perfect [whole], go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me." The young man walked away sad because he didn't want to give up the one consuming thing. His riches.
How sad, yet true this story is. How often do we beg, plead, or/and pray that we don't want those sweets or that we have motivation to excercise? Then, when we are given the opportunity, we think or say it is just too much to give up this wonderful t.v. show. We would rather exercise later. Or how often will we just say I'm too tired, even though we've not really done anything to be tired. ME, ME, ME. I do, I do. I've said all those things. How dare I ask for a little more energy, a little more time, or a little more of anything? God gives me opportunity after opportunity to get off my lazy butt and do something. He gives me even more to make the right choice about anything and I refuse to give it up.
"With Jesus, if we want to gain, we must give up.
If we want to be filled, we must deny ourselves.
If we want to truly get close to God, we’ll have to distance ourselves from other things.
If we want to conquer our cravings, we’ll have to redirect them to God.
God made us capable of craving so we’d have an unquenchable desire for more of Him, and Him alone. Nothing changes until we make the choice to redirect our misguided cravings to the only one capable of satisfying them. Getting healthy isn’t just about losing weight. It’s not limited to adjusting our diet and hoping for good physical results. It’s about recalibrating our souls so that we want to change— spiritually, physically and mentally." (quote from "Made to Crave" by Lysa Turkeurst)
I agree entirely! If we 'want to' gain energy, strength, positive attitude, steadfastness, etc., etc., then we are going to have to GIVE UP!! Give up the one(or more) thing that consumes us more than God! I want a desire for more of God! That scares me at this point in my walk. What is God going to ask me to give up next? What convienences will have to go so that I'm closer to God than that thing? Makes ya think doesn't it?
Now it's time to make a choice. Give those cravings of 'other' things to God? Have to do that if I want to be satisfied by God instead of that other thing. I believe that got will give me just enough 'want to' laced in his almighty strength so that I am satisfied!
In a web cast that I recently watched, that included Lysa Turkeurst, I heard these statements. "To be in the center of God's will is to be a woman of JOY, PRAYER, and FULL of THANKSGIVING!" "God made us to crave! Not worldly things. But, to crave HIM!" "We need to be THANKFUL in this moment no matter where you are in your walk." Wow! Those statements touched my heart and ministered to me. I have a long journey ahead of me to finding my 'want to'. I can do this with God on my side. He is proud to call me His daughter and that is the most important thing right now! I AM His daughter! Praise the Lord, Hallelujah!!!!
Have a blessing filled and wonderful day! I know that I have a lot to look forward to!