The new year

The new year is upon us and I really have a few goals to meet by year end.  I have personal things I really want to improve on in my relationships but I also have physical goals.  I often put myself down because I am unhappy with my appearance.  I know God didn't make me to be thin as a rail and I wasn't built with an outgoing personality.  I was built a little thicker and I was made to be thoughtful, analytical, but fun and easy going.  I enjoy a good laugh and I tend to be a smart aleck with the best of them.  But, to be healthier I am going to have to stress less, think before I speak more, and get off my rear to work my muscles including my heart.  This 50lbs needs go and my relationship needs to grow.  So... off to work I go.  1st thing is this house.  Clean slate to start the new year.  :)



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