Making our days count

I am Stacey. A Christian woman, wife, mother and homemaker! That's me! In the past I haven't actually known or thought about how important my 'title' actually is. I have such a Thankful Heart because I have been so blessed by God!! I want to make my days count and I want to do that together with the humans God has allowed in my life.

I am saved through, the only, Jesus Christ. He died to pay for the sins of 'man'. I was blessed by God with a wonderful Christian husband that loves me more than I understand. God has blessed us with 3 beautiful and VERY strong willed children. They are very intelligent and have wonderful personalities! Lastly, I am a homemaker. What's a homemaker you ask? To me is is someone who takes care of the home and everyone that lives within it. I obviously cook, clean, and maintain our home. I also make our home a comfortable and secure place for my family to live and run to. When the world becomes to much I believe that our homes should be that place of security and safety. In our homes God's word can be studies, we can sing as loud off key as we want, and dance around like silly kids. And, no one will see us if we don't want them to. It is wonderful to praise God outside our homes and something we are to do.... but what I mean is being with our family and worshiping him in our studies and prayer! I'm not talking about other types. Just at home. :)

So, in the blog I'll talk about everything from children, bible topics, recent studies, book I want or have read, family, food, and probably off the wall things. :) The things that I think about are endless. :D But what I put out in blog world..... I'm not so sure about. LOL! I hope you enjoy reading and I pray it touches your heart! Pulls at a heart string to dive deeper into God's word.

Have a blessed day and welcome to  my kind of crazy!


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