Letters from a ThankFULL heart.....

A is for Attention!

Life keeps us busy.  All too often our lives even get away from us.  I am good about losing track of my mission in life and the ministry that God has put before me. Especially during the Spring months.  THere is baseball, softball, soccer, basketball, team tryouts, church functions, getting prepared for end of school year/testing, getting prepared for vacations and so on.  I often wonder how I am pleasing God and sharing Christ with those around me during those times.  Am I acting in a way that is pleasing to the Lord?  Am I dressed in a way that is appropriate?  Have I done a good enough job as a mother that my children behave in a way that reflects the things I have taught them?  Do I think of verses that will STOP a negative action in its tracks?  Do I treat others with respect and kindness as the scriptures tell me?  Well, there are a lot more things I think about but these are a few.  I want to live my life in a way that is fun and calm yet I want my life to be pleasing to God.  We all have our failures and we all have our struggles to get through, but that doesn't make our lives any less important. 

I have been told through my life that the things that you don't let God have control over are in danger.
If God doesn't have them then Satan will surely use every thing to gain that power!  Don't underestimate how Satan can affect and effect us all.  Satan is powerful and mighty but NOT nearly as powerful and mighty as God!!!!!  Don't understimate that power.  Satan will deceive and blind you long enough to get his way.  So pay attention and pray !  God loves his children and is there if we only allow Him to be! 



rainbow said…
Great post. Thanks for getting us back on track and reminding us how devious the Devil is. He is always trying to trick us but God is there to help us, IF WE ASK. THANKS FOR THE REMINDER !!!

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