Growth Bible Study

I am studying on spiritual growth and maturity.  I want myself and my children to know how to grow the way God intends.  So, I thought I would share the parts of the bible study with you.  :)  I hope you enjoy!

People understand the concept of growth in the physical development of humans, and we know why it is important.

Babies are immature physically and mentally, but we expect them to develop. If they don't, there is a problem.

My best buddy in high school did not grow and might have been nearly a midget. But in his senior year, doctors gave him shots to make him grow.

Spiritual growth is a similar concept but is far more important.

Growth is development or improvement toward a goal called "maturity" (or, in the Bible, "perfection"). When one is "born again" as a child of God, he is spiritually immature. As time passes, he should develop the qualities or abilities which the Bible says characterize the mature. A congregation matures as individual members mature.

Many Scriptures describe the need to grow and mature spiritually:

Ephesians 4:14,15 - Be no longer children, but grow up in Christ.

2 Peter 3:18 - but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

2 Thessalonians 1:3 - The Thessalonians grew exceedingly in faith.

Philippians 1:9 - Paul prayed for their love to abound more and more.

Many problems result when members fail to grow: some go back to the world, others cause strife because of ignorance or become stumblingblocks because of irregular attendance, worldliness, or indifference.

The purpose of this lesson is to study the steps each Christian should take to grow spiritually.

Just as a baby needs to do certain things to grow physically, so Christians need certain kinds of activities to grow spiritually. When members don't grow, it is because they lack one or more of these.



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