
A. We Need Spiritual Food from God's Word.

A child cannot grow physically without proper food.

Good parents are concerned about proper nutrition. They want children to eat what is good, not bad for them. We are touched by pictures of children starving due to poverty.

Most children WANT nourishment. Babies cry for food. Once as a child I got so hungry I cried, and my mother felt really bad.

Even adults know we need food, and don't like to go long without it. We want it every day, regularly, several times a day.

Likewise spiritually we cannot grow without feeding on God's Word.

1 Peter 2:2 - As newborn babes, desire the pure milk of the word, that you may grow thereby.

2 Peter 3:18 - Grow in the grace and KNOWLEDGE of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Matthew 4:4 - Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.

[Eph. 4:15; Matt. 5:6]

B. To Get This Nourishment, We Must Study the Bible and Attend Church Meetings.

Scriptures show the need for regular nourishment.

Hebrews 5:11-14 - Christians were rebuked for not growing as they should have, because they had not studied. Time and again members fall away or are spiritual midgets because they do not eat properly.

Acts 17:11 - Bereans were able to determine whether truth was taught because they searched the Scriptures DAILY. We need REGULAR nourishment.

Psalm 1:1,2 - Meditate on God's word day and night. Children and adults need physical food regularly, and get very upset without it. But are we content to go for days at a time without feeding on God's word? [119:47,48,95-99; Josh 1:8]

Do we make use of the opportunities the church provides for nourishment? I never ceased to be amazed when the church provides a spiritual feast, and members choose to do other things. How often do we miss the regular meals provided for our bellies?

Take this test to check your spiritual nourishment.

How much time did you spend this week watching TV?

How much time watching sports or entertainment, or reading the paper, magazines, etc.?

How much time did you spend on some hobby or outside interest, that may not be immoral but is not necessary?

How many hours did you spend studying your Bible?

How many services of the church did you attend? How many did you miss that you could have attended?

Which do you nourish the best: your spirit or your body? Are you feeding your mind on God's word or pleasures?

Christians need regular nourishment from God's word to grow.



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