Recipe Note Book

Well, I finally have gotten my Recipe Book together.  Toni over at A Bowl Full of Lemons has been my accountablity.  I've mananged to organize several places in my home, places in my mind, and our family. 

I added clear page protectors so no unwanted grease splatters, butter smudges or spills get on my favorite recipes.  I then added dividers.  My sections include:
  • Appetizers
  • Main Courses
  • Side Dishes
  • Desserts
  • Crock Post Favorties
  • Party/Last Minute Ideas

I haven't put them in thier tab just yet, but a trip to the store is in my near future. I'll update my picture once I've put in the tabs.  I jus thave to share by my sweet dear husband is liking this notebook too! He really enjoys cooking but he really dislikes having to look through a cook book or look through my recipe box, which is stuffed full of index cards (that are stained and NOT pretty)

My oh so lovely recipe box.

A dear blogger friend shared some of her favorite recipes over at Country By Marriage.  So, it gave me the idea to share mine!  My next post will be a list of our favorite family recipes. 



Deana said…
I can't wait to see your recipes! Your binder looks great!

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